
Developing positive thoughts can be hard. Especially when the world is filled with so much negativity in the news, on social media, and even people we talk to. However, it is more than achievable, and this blog post aims to teach you how to think positively.

Positive thinking isn’t a magic cure for all your problems. But it will make your problems more manageable and remove the overwhelm of taking action. Become aware when negative thoughts start creeping into your life. Ask yourself: ‘Do I want to have these thoughts?’ or ‘Are these thoughts benefiting me in any way?’. If the answer is no, replacing those thoughts with positive ones will help you through the situation more effectively.

6 tips on how to think positively

1. Practice gratitude

A regular gratitude practice is an effective way to build a positive mindset. It’s especially beneficial on days when you don’t feel great, and your mind is filled with negative thoughts. Gratitude actively helps you seek out and appreciate the good things in in life. It also brings your attention to everything you have, rather than focusing on what you don’t have.

Try this: Take 2 minutes now to say aloud 5 things you can be grateful for!

2. Minimize negative influences

In the modern world, negative influences are everywhere! News headlines, social media, and even certain people in your life. It’s great to have the worlds news at your fingertips, but you don’t need to be constantly reminded that WW3 is round the corner. Certain people can fill you with negativity too. Listening to someone who is constantly negative can have a real effect on how you feel.

Now, I’m not saying you must stop reading the news or cut out certain people from your life. But you do need to become aware of what has a negative influence on your mindset and minimize the time you spend around it.

3. Affirmations

Affirmations are phrases you repeat to yourself which help replace negative beliefs with positive thoughts overtime. They can help reduce negative thinking as well as increasing your happiness. Take some time to find affirmations that resonate with you and write them down. Here are some examples:

  • My past is not a reflection of my future
  • I am not my thoughts; I am what I do
  • I am learning and growing
  • I am grateful
  • I am loved and worthy

Try this: An easy way to build an affirmation habit is to write them down on a sticky note and out them somewhere you will see each day. Like on your bathroom mirror or above your desk.

4. Do things that make you happy

I’m sure you have certain activities that bring you happiness, right? Things like playing sports, gardening, spending time with dogs, and getting out into nature are all great way to boost your mental health. As well as helping you to think more positively. It’s hard not have positive thoughts when you’re doing something you love.

Try this: The next time you’ve had a rough week, or your negative thoughts are consuming you, don’t just sit there dwelling on your thoughts. Plan to do something you love and go and do it!

5. Take time to appreciate the little things in life

When was the last time you stopped to appreciate the smell of fresh flowers? Or really savored the taste from your morning coffee? Life often moves at a fast pace, and you miss the little wonders life has to offer. Taking time to appreciate the little things in life is an excellent to shift a negative train of thought into a positive one that bring you happiness. It’s also a great way to bring you into the present moment.

Try this: Take a few minutes to reflect on all the little things that have happened recently you might have missed.

6. Allow yourself to laugh

‘A day without laughter is a day wasted’ – Charlie Chaplin.

Laughter has been shown to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Even forcing yourself to laugh has been shown to improve your mood. Allow yourself to laugh in all situations, especially the difficult ones. It will lighten the mental burden and help you deal with things more easily.


Positive thinking isn’t a magic cure for all your problems, but it will make your problems more manageable. As well as increasing happiness in your life. Appreciate that negative thoughts are a part of life, but solely focusing on them won’t do you any good. Positive thinking is like a muscle that grows overtime through practice and repletion. Taking time to practice gratitude, repeat affirmations and allowing yourself to laugh are effective ways to help you start building that positive thinking muscle.

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